Photo of Dr. Deborah Heaman


Chiropractic Care

Meet Dr. Deborah Heaman


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Pregnancy Care


If you are pregnant,  chiropractic care can be beneficial during pregnancy.  


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Custom Foot Orthotics


As part of your Chiropractic care, Dr. Heaman may recommend that you wear custom foot orthotics in your shoes.  Custom foot orthotics look like insoles, but are bio-mechanical medical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. Orthotics fit inside your shoes to eliminate specific problems and help prevent future damage to your feet.  Orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your eyes- they reduce the stress and strain on your body by bringing your feet back into proper alignment.  Wearing orthotics can help decrease or eliminate pain from corns, calluses and leg/joint/muscle fatigue. 


To make custom foot orthotics, Dr. Heaman performs a gait analysis and biomechanical examination and then makes a plaster cast of both of your feet.  These casts are sent away to a lab, where your orthotics are constructed then returned back to Dr. Heaman.  Many insurance companies will cover the cost of orthotics.  It is recommended that you call your insurance company and ask them if they need to be prescribed by a chiropodist, physician or podiatrist first and also ask whether or not your company allows a chiropractor to make them.



Woman sitting sitting on the ground showing the bottom of her feet

For a list of frequently asked questions regarding custom foot orthotics click here.

Therapeutic Products


Acuball Logo

Acuball Massage Ball

Biofreeze logo


Chiroflow logo

Chiroflow Water Pillows

Poster Medic Logo

Posture Medic Halters

Initial Visit


Subsequent Visit

$  52

Custom Foot Orthotics
